My fellow Nigerians Home and abroad, I wish everyone a happy independence day… “53 years is not 53 days”. This is not just a day to be merry… It is also a day to reflect on the memories of our founding fathers. My thoughts turn first towards the Fathers of our Nation, who shaped our liberation struggle, and the martyrs who made supreme sacrifice for the freedom of our country and great patriots whose relentless struggle liberated our motherland from the colonial rule.
I believe they saw beyond our ethnic differences and our religious differences. With all the differences and peculiarities - lays the basic, common morality, moral and spiritual values: compassion, mutual support, truth, justice, and respect for elders, the ideals of family, life and work. These value systems cannot be replaced by anything, and we need to strengthen it.
Democracy is much more than the right to vote every four years; its essence is the aspirations of the masses; its spirit must influence the responsibilities of the leaders and duties of the citizens every day.
Our legislatures look more like combat arenas, rather than fora that legislate. Corruption has become a major challenge. The precious resources of the nation are being wasted through indolence and indifference. It is sapping the dynamism of our society. We need to correct this regression.”
My fellow Nigerians, the ideal qualities Nigeria crave for is a Parliament (“that debates, discusses, and decides”), judiciary (“that gives justice without delays”), leadership (“committed to the nation”), state (“that inspires confidence among people”), and media and citizens (“who even as they claim their rights, are equally committed to their responsibilities”).
A great leader once advised us to avoid, and I quote, “politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice”.
As young generation, we have to pay heed to his advice as we work towards building a modern democracy, society and future for ourselves and our children. The ideals of patriotism, compassion, tolerance, self-restraint, honesty, discipline and respect for all have to be converted into a living force.
Our attitudes as students, fathers, mothers, children and institutions are a mirror of national character. Today we see widespread cynicism and disillusionment with the governance and functioning of institutions in our country.
In conclusion, a re-ordering of the society can be brought about through the educational system. A nation survives through accountability, not selfishness, tribalism or profligacy.
Finally, Like I always say; Think differently and positively. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear. It's a beautiful thing to see a person smiling. But even more beautiful is knowing that you are the reason for the smile! "Politics should be all about putting smiles in people's faces..."
God bless you all! God bless PFUR!! God bless Nigeria!!!
By Idahosa Stephen
President PFUR